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Publications of the Institute of General History, University of Turku, Finland. Nr 5: Studies.

Publications of the Institute of General History, University of Turku, Finland. Nr 5: Studies.

Publications of the Institute of General History, University of Turku, Finland. Nr 5: Studies.

15.00 zł
Turku 1973
Institute of General History University of Turku
ISBN / ISSN  951-641-100-2
Publications of the Institute of General History, University of Turku, Finland = Publikationen des Instituts für Allgemeine Geschichte, Universität Turku, Finnland. Nr 5: Studies = Studien / Ed. by Vilho Niitemaa. Turku 1973, Institute of General History University of Turku. 21 cm, s. 77. Zawartość: Seppo Rytkönen - Moses Hess und das utopistische Verfahren. Reino Kero - The roots of Finnish-American left-wing radicalism. Kalervo Hovi - Die Orientierung der estnischen Auslandsdelegation im Frühjahr 1918.
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